Wellness, to us, is more than just an action or an idea; it is a healthy lifestyle that helps support every aspect of your life. One of the best parts of our Live here, Live well program, are our many events and activities that promote various important categories of wellness. These events are always fun and promote a sense of community and being the best you that you can be.
Healthy choices and nutrition information are provided and promoted in resident events by offering more nutritious alternatives and nutrition details.
Our residents are encouraged to give back locally, nationally and globally through individual or group volunteering opportunities arranged through recognized and respected organizations.
Besides the fitness facilities available in our communities, our community teams also provide fun, fitness-related events and information to residents!
Periodically we will offer programming on mental-health issues relevant to our residents, such as dealing with the pressures of college life or stress-relief during exams.
We're here to help. If you have a leasing question, would like to schedule a tour, or just want to say hello, we're waiting to hear from you.